Alpha at Holy Trinity

Life is full of endless possibilities. Whether it’s learning a new skill, finding a new interest, or simply opening up to a different perspective on life. Trying something new can be the start of something good. Why not give Alpha a go?

Alpha is a series of videos and discussions that freely explore the Christian faith, the person of Jesus, and what this could mean for you. Each week we'll gather for some food, a session which includes a short film, and a discussion where you can share your thoughts with a small group. 

The best conversations are open, everyone’s thoughts are welcome, no matter your background or beliefs. We all bring different thoughts to the table, and at Alpha we want to create a space that’s open for everyone to find what faith means for them!

All on your terms. Alpha is a safe space, which means that you can decide whether to stay, go, share or just listen. We’d love to see you.

Our next course will in the new year - if you’d like to register your interest just click below!