We believe that prayer should be central to who we are and what we do.
When ordinary people find their voice in prayer, join together, seek God and contend for His kingdom to come and His will to be done, incredible things happen, situations change and circumstances shift.
Whether you feel like you are a prayer warrior or have absolutely no idea where to start, there is a place for you. Prayer is for everyone.
Kingdom Come
Where: Holy Trinity Rathmines
When: Sundays at 7:30pm monthly (9th March, 13th April, 11th May, 8th June)
Join us as we spend time in God’s presence worshipping, seeking God’s face and praying for God’s kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.
Weekly Prayer Call
Where: online (https://us04web.zoom.us/j/6304129500?pwd=bzVGN1F0MWRkcmVMck0zSGpyK0ozQT09&omn=72399711298)
When: 1pm every Wednesday for 20 minutes
Jump onto our weekly prayer call as we cover Holy Trinity in prayer. This is a place to be yourself, so there's no pressure to pray in a certain way, or even turn on your video if you’d prefer not to!
HT Prayer WhatsApp Group
If you are part of the HT family, feel free to join our prayer WhatsApp group. This is a space to share prayer requests, prophetic words and to keep a thread of prayer throughout our week as we go about our lives.
If there are particular people or situations you would like prayer for, however big or small, email Chloe at chloe@htrinity.ie so that we can stand with you in prayer.